Wednesday 22 January 2014

Do Mirror-neuron is responsible for your all emotional actives and feelings?

If you are going for an interview then all will suggest you one thing that be confident. but why they say so. here is the answer it is because of Mirror-neuron these neurons are responsible for all mimic actions of human being so if you are so confident in a interview then the interviewer will also be confident  because your actions will be mimicked or copied by his Mirror-neurons. So he too will feel confident And if you have fear then he will also feel fear in selecting you.  

What are Mirror-neuron? 

These  are  special type of brain cells, or neurons, that become active both when their owner does something, and when he or she senses someone else doing the same thing.  Thus, the neuron "mirrors" the behavior of the other, as though the observer were itself acting 
According D’Angelo , “The theory of mirror neuron says that, in your brain, as you watch me do this, you are activating exactly the same neurons as if you do the actions.” 

Is yawing contagion ? 

We know that if you see someone yawning or  if you think of yawing you starts yawning. So this it that fact behind yawing   yes they are mirror neurons. Wherever mirror neuron  might affect the brain, it bypasses the known brain circuitry for consciously analyzing and mimicking other people’s actions.

. so what actually happens is when you see some one yawning. our mirror neuron copies it. so what actually happens is when you see some one yawning. our mirror neuron copies it without even our knowledge and we mimic the same and starts yawning. So if a professor yawns in a class then all the student in a class starts yawning 
So are mirror neuron involved in empathy for pain? 
 If I really and truly empathize with your pain, I need to experience it myself. That’s what the mirror neurons are doing, allowing me to empathize with your pain—saying, in effect, that person is experiencing the same agony and excruciating pain as you would if somebody were to poke you with a needle directly. That’s the basis of all empathy. So if you are in great pain and i have feeling for you may mirror neuron will create the same scenario of pain for me and i will start crying. So When you experience pain, mirror neurons are created so that you can explain the details of the problem to someone who cares. This also explains why we are not able to watch someone suffering from pain . if we watch them mirror neuron will create for you too and you will feel uncomfortable. so you will close your eyes and ears. or you will leave that place. 

Does Mirror neuron has some relation from Emotion ? 
According to me yes, theses are directly related to our nature , so if we are more emotional we can feel others pain more deeply. this is the reason why women or children are not comfortable when someone suffers they will close there eyes and will start crying , because they are more emotional. So you are not crying on others pain in actual you are crying on you on pain.When we see someone else suffering or in pain, mirror neurons help us to read her or his facial expression and actually make us feel the suffering or the pain of the other person. 
So if you see some beggar begging for food and you give him some money . it means you are helping your self and healing your pain. you are getting hurt by seeing beggar in this condition. 
These changes can be seen by your face and body language too. if you see someone crying your face expression will change and you will loose your body. Also you can see the action of your children after watching a cartoon channel. 
In book  Mirroring People by Marco Iacoboni. he  explains the science behind the mystery of attraction, and the research is pointing to specific cells in our brains called mirror neurons. As the author explains; "Why do we give ourselves over to emotion during the carefully crafted, heartrending scenes in certain movies? Because mirror neurons in our brains re-create for us the distress we see on the screen. We have empathy for the fictional characters—we know how they're feeling—because we literally experience the same feelings ourselves 

So if you are watching some emotion scenes in movies you will start feeling the joy or the pain of the character  and it will create a temporary bond between you and the character. and then if your character dies in that movie you will too feel the same distress feeling that are felt by the other characters in that movie. 
So according to me never watch a sad movie or serial when your are already in bad mood. If you watch any comedy or funny thing you can remove your stress by the help of mirror neuron. And that is mirror neuron that will make you to feel joy after watching some A grade movies. 

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