Monday 20 January 2014

Over Expectations can kill your happiness .

I will like to start this post by the great saying by Donald miller that
"When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are"

Now a common question comes that what is an expectation? . So don't worry nobody knows its answer. Its a kind of feeling according to me . And many people says that i don't expect any thing from any one .They are completely wrong ,all have some or more expectation from others some time they do not even feel that they have some expectation but when their expectation was not full filled then they realize that they are expecting somthing. As a human nature we expect from every where from our work,friends,family etc.

What is expectation?

Let you are living with you friend or better-half and daily he/she is coming late from office but still you waits him/her for dinner. Now this is where you are building expectation. Now you will expect that if some time you are coming late then he should also wait for you. And if a day comes when he/she  is early and you are late , and when you reaches at home you finds he had already taken his dinner now it will hurt you.So in short if you are doing some extra for someone to whom you care. You are building the expectation that the same should be return by them.

Caring and emotional people has high expectations

                If you are living with someone who cares you much or you have a much caring friend then its a tough job for you to manage and fulfill his expectations . And if you are not of that type (sharing caring )then you have to put extra effort to maintain the relation . And you have to read their action and listen to the unspoken words. Always remember if someone loves you, then you are the person responsible if he/she gets hurt . People who are over emotional wants someone who cares for them and same they want to do for him. So always remember if they are doing something special for you that means they  will be more happy if you do the something for them.
                 So you can the people who are always ready to help other has more expectation. Because when they are helping others  ,they are building the expectation that they will surely help me when i will need them.And this is the good point with selfish one they never help they never expect.

You can run from expectation but you can reduce them

I also discuses in my poem. few lines are

Expectations are every where, They comes like a rain.
 But you should carry your umbrella, That develops under your brain.

If looking practically you can find expectation every

* A student expects good marks
* A worker expects good wages
* A Artist Expects Appreciation
* A Farmer Expects good production
* A Friend expects that all other friend should care him.
* A Servicemen expects good hikes
* A company expects good results
And lots more never ending list

These all are good and necessary for human growth but do not create expectation in return like

* Helping someone and expecting same
* Expecting too much from your loving ones.
* Your expectation restricts others independence
* Comparing from others and Expecting

Ways to live happy and limit your expectation

* Don't expect much from any individual person, everyone has there own limits .If you can do 80% for someone that's your limit and if he can returns 50% then this is his limit. Respect it and not be over demanding.

*Try to expect less because every thing we get beyond expectations are surprises ,So if you will expect less you will get more surprises.And if you expects much you will not get any surprises.

* If you are caring someone too much but no response, leave at that point  only their are many other waiting for you. Don't run behind anyone too much just leave them and you will find if they really cares for you they will come back

* If you cant give much to your relation . Clearly make some limits of relation every relation has its own limit . and make clear to other also about your feeling and thinking. And never expect a one way traffic . means he should do every thing for you if you can do for someone ask him also not to do much for you.

* Time is most powerful think don't expect any thing beyond it. It takes time for ever thing whether it is a job , relation or business so give time and think twice.

And the best one, never live in past. Don't think too much of past and all bad memories it effects on you  mind what you think is what you are. so always think positive and give every one a second chance. 
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