Wednesday 12 February 2014

Do everything as you are doing for yourself.

Once there was an old slave in a town. He was constructing building for his master from many years, he have constructed very beautiful buildings and his master was very happy with his work. Once Slave  decided to ask for freedom from his master and want to live independent for rest of his life.

When he reached in-front of his master his master was siting with with his friends and discussing about him only. He explained his friends that how beautiful building his slave has created . Then he asked slave what happen why you cam to me slave replied "Sir now i am too old and cant work any more please give me freedom ". Master told ok no problem but you have ti do a last thing for me. Then Slave asked what . Master replied you have to construct a last building for me.

Slave with a sad face told ok no problem. And he started to work on building. But he is not wishing to create a building he just want to finish the work as soon as possible. so he used uncarved stones and bad mud to finish the building. In his whole life he has never done this type of dishonest work but this time he was in hurry.

After completing his work he walked to his master with keys and kept the keys in master's hand and told master please keep the keys of building and let me go.

Then his master replied no you keep this keys this building is for you my dear, whole life you
constructed for me so as a gift i want to give you something . I asked you to create this last building only for you.
by hearing this salve regretted  too much in his whole life he created beautiful buildings but the last he cheated was for him.

So in our life also we have to do our work honestly, dont know when god may give the keyof the work done  in our hand.Never work as we are working for others always think that we are working for ourselfs.

Story source
Shri avdheshanand giri ji 

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