Wednesday 29 January 2014

Confidence is nothing but believing in yourself (Motivational story 5)

In a beauty full morning a old man was jogging in a park and enjoying the melodious sound of birds . When he passed through a bench he saw a man sitting with a sad face . the old man went near him and asked  "I can see that something is troubling you"
then man told yes i am in problem but sorry you cant help me so leave me alone.
old man replied can you just tell me the reason .

Man told "I am a business man and lost every thing in my business and i am deep in debt.Suppliers were demanding payment and explained his problem"
by hearing all his words 
the old man said, "I believe I can help you." 

He asked the man his name, wrote out a check, and pushed it into his hand saying, "Take this money. Meet me here exactly one year from today, and you can pay me back at that time."  Then old man turned and disappeared as quickly as he had come. 

The business man saw in his hand a check for 1 crore Rs signed by  one of the richest men in the world! 

"I can erase my money worries in an instant!" he realized. But instead, the business man decided to put the un-cashed check in his safe. Just knowing it was there might give him the strength to work out a way to save his business, he thought. 

With energized optimism, he negotiated better deals and extended terms of payment. He closed several big sales. Within a few months, he was out of debt and making money once again. 

Exactly one year later, he returned to the park with the un-cashed check. At the agreed-upon time, the old man appeared. But just as the executive was about to hand back the check and share his success story, a nurse came running up and grabbed the old man. 

"I'm so glad I caught him!" she cried. "I hope he hasn't been bothering you. He's always escaping from the rest home and telling people he's one of  richest men in the world! "  And she led the old man away by the arm. 

The astonished executive just stood there, stunned. All year long he'd been wheeling and dealing, buying and selling, convinced he had 1 Crore  Rs behind him. Suddenly, he realized that it wasn't the money, real or imagined, that had turned his life around. It was his new-found self-confidence that gave him the power to achieve anything he went after. 

Confidence is nothing but believing in yourself. Always be confident never underestimate yourself.
Confidence is nothing but vision held positively .  It comes from ones own commitment and dedication to ones vision. We are the only person on earth who can use our ability and for that we just need confidence and action. With confidence, we can reach truly amazing heights.

11 ways to keep your self happy and joyful.

Once one of my good friend told me that you will never get happiness until and unless you want to be happy . you have to happy. its like practice if you are avoiding negative thoughts for two days then on third you can feel the difference.It sounds odd but its true if you tries to be happy and you are not allowing negative thoughts to put you down.You can feel a positive change.
Some points i follow are:-

1) Never bring office or work space tension to home. they are paying you for working hours only so when you are at home thing about other things not of work. its good to work hard but more of everything is not good

2) If you have some issue with some one don't create your questions and answers just go to the guy and ask him one to one
if you raise a question against him in your mind and you only give its answer according to you.

3) Don't stop talking to any one because its the only way to resolve problems. you can fight,blame each other and show your anger but conversation should not be stopped.

4) Never thing negative because what you thinks that only happens. so always think positive

5) Don't keep all your problems in your mind just take a problem think about it and forgot about it.

you will not get happiness you have to be happy.

6) Don't worry too much about any thing because it will not change anything you will only loose your peace.

7) Never I mean never sit free. you should have your list of works you have to complete when you are free. if you sits free then your mind will recall all your bad memories and it will make you upset so what you can do it just make a list of things that will make you busy when you are free. and the list will mainly include your hobbies and fields of interest. So if you are busy in some thing you will not get time to be upset.

8) If your are already upset then what to do , nothing just pick up your cell and call your friends and family. or just open your net and search for jokes and nice quotes or watch TV the main aim is to remove the thoughts from your mind and fill with the new ones.

9) Must do the work which satisfies you as i have described in my previous post You have abilities, skills, knowledge and experience but are you on right place?

10) Try to play with children or spend some times with you pets . if you are living alone then a pet is one of the mandatory thing for you just buy it and care it.

11) Sadness,happiness,joy all these thing are just games of mind . if you wont mind it will not matter that's all take every thing lightly and blow it in joke. if you will take your life seriously it will become to complicated and if you take it light it becomes fun now its up to you what you have to do.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Its not about busy ,its about priority (Motivational story-4)

Once in a philosophy class a professor entered into the class with a large glass in his hand and some balls and pebbles. Without speaking a single word he picked the jar and filled it with golf balls.
He then asked the students, is the jar is full.They agreed that it was full.
then he kept it genitally and added some pebbles in it from the box he bought.
and raised the jar and asked the same question to the students
Is the jar is full.They agreed that it was full.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the 
sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students 
responded with a unanimous 'YES.'

Then he took two cups of water from under the table and poured the entire 

contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand.  The 

students laughed. 

'Now,' said the professor,   as the laughter subsided,  'I want you to recognize that 

this jar represents your life. 

The golf balls are the most important things - family, 
children, health, friends, and favorite passions – things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. 

The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, house, and car

The sand is everything else --The small stuff. 

'If you put the sand into the jar first,'  He continued, there is no room for  the 

pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. 

If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, You will never have room for 
The things that are important to you.the first priority should be the most important thing in anyone life that is family, children, health, friends, and favorite passions. These are the thing which do not depends on your wealth or money they are the one  who will support you till end. 

So must save 5 min in a day for :-
1) Calling a old friend after a long time
2) Call your parents and family.
3) Spent time for your hobby
4) Do something creative.
5) Sit for sometime alone and see what u have done in whole day.
6)Site for sometime with your friends and family.

Now have some jokes:-
Best Alok Nath jokes    Best C.I.D. returns Jokes    Rajinikanth 99 KILLING JOKES Best Kejriwal jokes  Jethalal JOKES     Husband wife awesome jokes  Winners at 59th Idea Filmfare Awards 2013      Girl Friend boy Friend Awesome jokes    Hi-tech salespeople DictionarY   Student Teacher ever best jokes   FriendShip SMS and Quotes
Hansa Praful jokes     Puzzle Messages     Life SMS    WhatsApp Status messages  Sweat Msg on MAA    Seminar of wifes   jokes on Husbands
What's Marriage?(jokes)   Smart kids jokes(god is missing)
Amazing mathematics of life    TV Anchor joke    Best suspense jokes jokes-on-husbands

Monday 27 January 2014

Every thing is priceless (Motivational Story -3)

Once a little boy walked into a pet house to buy a puppy And asked the store owner "How much are you going to sell the puppies for?"

The store owner replied, "Anywhere from 2000 Rs to 10000 Rs." 

The little boy reached in his pocket and pulled out some change. "I have 200  Rs," he said. "Can I please look at them?"

The store owner smiled and whistled and out of the kennel came Lady,  with five teeny, tiny balls of fur.One puppy was lagging considerably behind. Immediately the little boy singled out the lagging, limping puppy and said, "What's wrong with that little dog why it is not walking properly and what happend to his leg?"

The store owner said that the veterinarian had examined the little puppy and had found that it didn't have a hip socket. It would always limp. It would always be lame. And we are going to remove this from our shop because no one likes handicap pets.

The little boy became excited. "That is the puppy that I want to buy."

The store owner said, "No, you don't want to buy that little dog. If you really want him, I'll just give him to you.without any cost"

The little boy got quite upset. He looked straight into the store owner's eyes, pointing his finger, and said, "I don't want you to give him to me. That little dog is worth every bit as much as all the other dogs and I'll pay full price. In fact, I'll give you 800 Rs now, and 100 Rs a month until I have him paid for."

The store owner countered, "You really  want to buy this little dog. He is never going to be able to run and jump and play with you like the other puppies."

To his surprise, the little boy reached down and rolled up his pant leg to reveal a badly twisted, crippled left leg supported by a big metal brace. 

He looked up at the store owner and softly replied, "Well, I don't run so well myself, and the little puppy will need someone who understands!"

So never say worthless to any thing all things have there own importance . A worthless thing for you can be a priceless thing for other. The difference is of need and understanding.All want to be with who cares and understand him. If one is searching a friend then he will not search a rich or smart one he will go with one who understands him.

Always live with people who understands you not with the person you want to understand and live with. There is a best saying He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words
To want to understand is an attempt to recapture something we have lost
So always try to understand the front person in every relation and in difficult situation just walk in there shoes to know what they actually feel.

Learning to live without recognition is good or bad?(Motivational story-2)

There was a farmer whose hobby was to collect horses; he were searching for one more breed to complete his collection. One day, he found out that his friend had the particular horse breed he needed. So, he constantly bothered his friend until he sold it to him. A month later, the horse became ill and he called the veterinarian, who said: "Well, your horse has a virus. He must take this medicine for three days. I'll come back on the 3rd day and if he's not better, we're going to have to put him down."
Nearby, the sheep listened closely to their conversation. The next day, they gave horse the medicine and left. 
The sheep goes to the horse and said: "Be strong, my friend. Get up or else they're going to put you to kill you".
On the second day, veterinarian gave him the medicine and left. 
The sheep came back and said: "Come on buddy, get up or else you're going to die! Come on, I'll help you get up. Let's go! One, two, three..." 

On the third day, veterinarian came to give him the medicine and said: "Unfortunately, we're going to have to kill him tomorrow. Otherwise, the virus might spread and infect the other horses."
After they left, the sheep approached the horse and said: "Listen friend, it's now or never! Get up, come on! Have courage! Come on! Get up! Get up! That's it, slowly! Great! Come on, one, two, three... Good, good. Now faster, come on.... Fantastic! Run, run more! Yes! Yes! Yes! You did it, you're a champion!!!"
All of a sudden, the owner came back, saw the horse running in the field and began shouting: "It's a miracle! My horse is cured. This deserves a party. Let's kill the sheep! and call all friends"

Rarely any body  tries to know which person actually deserves the merit of success, or who's actually contributing the necessary support to make things happen. Only very few realize when that person leaves. One should find the cause of success and must appreciate the person .This is very common in many scenarios like in friendship,workplace,in family etc. If you are getting some support from friend then you should find the exact person and give him a thanks. 

But at some places you have to fight for you work to be highlighted like at workplace 
here work might be done by you but the reward will be given to the horse of your office like in story and you may be not highlighted 
so at that place you have to highlight yourself. Some time this too happens in a family you may not get the appreciation for your contribution to family but when you leave it of you leave some relation then only one feels you absence. So the best way to realize is not to leave them but show your work and fight for appreciation .
Now have some jokes:-
Best Alok Nath jokes    Best C.I.D. returns Jokes    Rajinikanth 99 KILLING JOKES Best Kejriwal jokes  Jethalal JOKES     Husband wife awesome jokes  Winners at 59th Idea Filmfare Awards 2013      Girl Friend boy Friend Awesome jokes    Hi-tech salespeople DictionarY   Student Teacher ever best jokes   FriendShip SMS and Quotes
Hansa Praful jokes     Puzzle Messages     Life SMS    WhatsApp Status messages  Sweat Msg on MAA    Seminar of wifes   jokes on Husbands
What's Marriage?(jokes)   Smart kids jokes(god is missing)
Amazing mathematics of life    TV Anchor joke    Best suspense jokes jokes-on-husbands

Thursday 23 January 2014

You have abilities, skills, knowledge and experience but are you on right place?

This is a million dollar Question. Are you able to utilize our potential to our best ?
To find its answer let us go through a simple story.

Once  mother and a baby camel were lazing around, and suddenly the baby camel asked
Baby: Mother, mother, may I ask you some questions?
Mother: Sure! Why son, is there something bothering you?
Baby: Why do camels have humps?
Mother: Well son, we are desert animals, we need the humps to store water and we are known to survive without water.
Baby: Okay, then why are our legs long and our feet rounded?

Mother: Son, obviously they are meant for walking in the desert, You know with these legs I can move around the desert better than anyone does! Said the mother proudly.

Baby: Okay, then why are our eyelashes long? Sometimes it bothers my sight.

Mother: My son, those long thick eyelashes are your protective cover. They help to protect your eyes from the desert sand and wind. Said mother camel with eyes rimming with pride.

Baby: I see. So the hump is to store water when we are in the desert, the legs are for walking through the desert and these eyelashes protect my eyes from the desert. Then he asks his mother

For Example you like to create jokes and funny pictures and all likes your stuff but you are working in technical field. so this is the main hinder, you cant utilize your skills here and need to work in other fields related to your interest.

But some time it is not possible money has much power it can change your interest.So what you can do is don't let die the real
artist in you , You can work for that in your leisure  time and can
create a small blog to share you ideas and can create small community on Facebook to share your views.

 We don't just work for money , satisfaction is rather more important then money. Now one can keep your ideas  we are not in a zoo every one has right to share them and don't kill your hobbies. Hobbies are the best part of our life and they can re energise you. For example if you have worked hard in office and when you reach home you feeling  too tired and want to lay on bed only. But a friend comes with a bat and ask you to play Cricket you will quickly go without changing the dress , why because you love cricket.

So Again a question comes that did you love your work ?

So here are some question which will help you.
Do you enjoy spending time with your co-workers and your boss?
Do you get new new ideas for doing your work?
Do you have many friends at your work place?
Do you talk about your work to friends and family?
Do you finds fun in your work and feels happy after completing the task?

Now have some jokes:-
Best Alok Nath jokes    Best C.I.D. returns Jokes    Rajinikanth 99 KILLING JOKES Best Kejriwal jokes  Jethalal JOKES     Husband wife awesome jokes  Winners at 59th Idea Filmfare Awards 2013      Girl Friend boy Friend Awesome jokes    Hi-tech salespeople DictionarY   Student Teacher ever best jokes   FriendShip SMS and Quotes
Hansa Praful jokes     Puzzle Messages     Life SMS    WhatsApp Status messages  Sweat Msg on MAA    Seminar of wifes   jokes on Husbands
What's Marriage?(jokes)   Smart kids jokes(god is missing)
Amazing mathematics of life    TV Anchor joke    Best suspense jokes jokes-on-husbands

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Do Mirror-neuron is responsible for your all emotional actives and feelings?

If you are going for an interview then all will suggest you one thing that be confident. but why they say so. here is the answer it is because of Mirror-neuron these neurons are responsible for all mimic actions of human being so if you are so confident in a interview then the interviewer will also be confident  because your actions will be mimicked or copied by his Mirror-neurons. So he too will feel confident And if you have fear then he will also feel fear in selecting you.  

What are Mirror-neuron? 

These  are  special type of brain cells, or neurons, that become active both when their owner does something, and when he or she senses someone else doing the same thing.  Thus, the neuron "mirrors" the behavior of the other, as though the observer were itself acting 
According D’Angelo , “The theory of mirror neuron says that, in your brain, as you watch me do this, you are activating exactly the same neurons as if you do the actions.” 

Is yawing contagion ? 

We know that if you see someone yawning or  if you think of yawing you starts yawning. So this it that fact behind yawing   yes they are mirror neurons. Wherever mirror neuron  might affect the brain, it bypasses the known brain circuitry for consciously analyzing and mimicking other people’s actions.

. so what actually happens is when you see some one yawning. our mirror neuron copies it. so what actually happens is when you see some one yawning. our mirror neuron copies it without even our knowledge and we mimic the same and starts yawning. So if a professor yawns in a class then all the student in a class starts yawning 
So are mirror neuron involved in empathy for pain? 
 If I really and truly empathize with your pain, I need to experience it myself. That’s what the mirror neurons are doing, allowing me to empathize with your pain—saying, in effect, that person is experiencing the same agony and excruciating pain as you would if somebody were to poke you with a needle directly. That’s the basis of all empathy. So if you are in great pain and i have feeling for you may mirror neuron will create the same scenario of pain for me and i will start crying. So When you experience pain, mirror neurons are created so that you can explain the details of the problem to someone who cares. This also explains why we are not able to watch someone suffering from pain . if we watch them mirror neuron will create for you too and you will feel uncomfortable. so you will close your eyes and ears. or you will leave that place. 

Does Mirror neuron has some relation from Emotion ? 
According to me yes, theses are directly related to our nature , so if we are more emotional we can feel others pain more deeply. this is the reason why women or children are not comfortable when someone suffers they will close there eyes and will start crying , because they are more emotional. So you are not crying on others pain in actual you are crying on you on pain.When we see someone else suffering or in pain, mirror neurons help us to read her or his facial expression and actually make us feel the suffering or the pain of the other person. 
So if you see some beggar begging for food and you give him some money . it means you are helping your self and healing your pain. you are getting hurt by seeing beggar in this condition. 
These changes can be seen by your face and body language too. if you see someone crying your face expression will change and you will loose your body. Also you can see the action of your children after watching a cartoon channel. 
In book  Mirroring People by Marco Iacoboni. he  explains the science behind the mystery of attraction, and the research is pointing to specific cells in our brains called mirror neurons. As the author explains; "Why do we give ourselves over to emotion during the carefully crafted, heartrending scenes in certain movies? Because mirror neurons in our brains re-create for us the distress we see on the screen. We have empathy for the fictional characters—we know how they're feeling—because we literally experience the same feelings ourselves 

So if you are watching some emotion scenes in movies you will start feeling the joy or the pain of the character  and it will create a temporary bond between you and the character. and then if your character dies in that movie you will too feel the same distress feeling that are felt by the other characters in that movie. 
So according to me never watch a sad movie or serial when your are already in bad mood. If you watch any comedy or funny thing you can remove your stress by the help of mirror neuron. And that is mirror neuron that will make you to feel joy after watching some A grade movies. 

Monday 20 January 2014

Over Expectations can kill your happiness .

I will like to start this post by the great saying by Donald miller that
"When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are"

Now a common question comes that what is an expectation? . So don't worry nobody knows its answer. Its a kind of feeling according to me . And many people says that i don't expect any thing from any one .They are completely wrong ,all have some or more expectation from others some time they do not even feel that they have some expectation but when their expectation was not full filled then they realize that they are expecting somthing. As a human nature we expect from every where from our work,friends,family etc.

What is expectation?

Let you are living with you friend or better-half and daily he/she is coming late from office but still you waits him/her for dinner. Now this is where you are building expectation. Now you will expect that if some time you are coming late then he should also wait for you. And if a day comes when he/she  is early and you are late , and when you reaches at home you finds he had already taken his dinner now it will hurt you.So in short if you are doing some extra for someone to whom you care. You are building the expectation that the same should be return by them.

Caring and emotional people has high expectations

                If you are living with someone who cares you much or you have a much caring friend then its a tough job for you to manage and fulfill his expectations . And if you are not of that type (sharing caring )then you have to put extra effort to maintain the relation . And you have to read their action and listen to the unspoken words. Always remember if someone loves you, then you are the person responsible if he/she gets hurt . People who are over emotional wants someone who cares for them and same they want to do for him. So always remember if they are doing something special for you that means they  will be more happy if you do the something for them.
                 So you can the people who are always ready to help other has more expectation. Because when they are helping others  ,they are building the expectation that they will surely help me when i will need them.And this is the good point with selfish one they never help they never expect.

You can run from expectation but you can reduce them

I also discuses in my poem. few lines are

Expectations are every where, They comes like a rain.
 But you should carry your umbrella, That develops under your brain.

If looking practically you can find expectation every

* A student expects good marks
* A worker expects good wages
* A Artist Expects Appreciation
* A Farmer Expects good production
* A Friend expects that all other friend should care him.
* A Servicemen expects good hikes
* A company expects good results
And lots more never ending list

These all are good and necessary for human growth but do not create expectation in return like

* Helping someone and expecting same
* Expecting too much from your loving ones.
* Your expectation restricts others independence
* Comparing from others and Expecting

Ways to live happy and limit your expectation

* Don't expect much from any individual person, everyone has there own limits .If you can do 80% for someone that's your limit and if he can returns 50% then this is his limit. Respect it and not be over demanding.

*Try to expect less because every thing we get beyond expectations are surprises ,So if you will expect less you will get more surprises.And if you expects much you will not get any surprises.

* If you are caring someone too much but no response, leave at that point  only their are many other waiting for you. Don't run behind anyone too much just leave them and you will find if they really cares for you they will come back

* If you cant give much to your relation . Clearly make some limits of relation every relation has its own limit . and make clear to other also about your feeling and thinking. And never expect a one way traffic . means he should do every thing for you if you can do for someone ask him also not to do much for you.

* Time is most powerful think don't expect any thing beyond it. It takes time for ever thing whether it is a job , relation or business so give time and think twice.

And the best one, never live in past. Don't think too much of past and all bad memories it effects on you  mind what you think is what you are. so always think positive and give every one a second chance. 
Now have some jokes:-
Best Alok Nath jokes    Best C.I.D. returns Jokes    Rajinikanth 99 KILLING JOKES Best Kejriwal jokes  Jethalal JOKES     Husband wife awesome jokes  Winners at 59th Idea Filmfare Awards 2013      Girl Friend boy Friend Awesome jokes    Hi-tech salespeople DictionarY   Student Teacher ever best jokes   FriendShip SMS and Quotes
Hansa Praful jokes     Puzzle Messages     Life SMS    WhatsApp Status messages  Sweat Msg on MAA    Seminar of wifes   jokes on Husbands
What's Marriage?(jokes)   Smart kids jokes(god is missing)
Amazing mathematics of life    TV Anchor joke    Best suspense jokes jokes-on-husbands
Please leave you valuable views in comment box 

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Shocking Wired Custom of thanking goddess Durga in Vardaini mata temple in Rupal Gujrat

Small description 

Navratri is a famous festival of India and also celebrated in other parts of the world among Hindus. Navratri  means 9 nights dedicated for 9 divine forms of Maa, Adishakti Maa Durga. And the Second last day is know as Ashtmi. On this day all the devotees on maa durga worships the goddess and adores him with different types. And from those  one I am going to explain in my blog .And the whole blog is just description of the below video.

Visit to Vardiani Maa Temple

The Story begins with a invitation from my friend's uncle to visit his village on Ashtmi. And he promised to show something really shocking . So we were eagerly waiting for Ashtmi. On Asthmi he called us in his village which is 10 Km from our TCS Office so we managed in my friend's car.And reached rupal at 09:00 PM. After Taking 30 Mins of rest I saw a crowd . And curiously asked uncle where they are going then he told us they we have to join them , they are moving to temple. And if we delay any more we cant enter to the temple due to this crowd then we moved with them . And the views i have seen are below

 These are the pics of before palli
(will tell you later what is this)

While moving back to home i seen some people making some thing from wood and i asked uncle what is it. The name of the thing was Palli . It is made up of wood not any wood  on the same day some villagers goes in jungle to bring the wood from a holy tree. and on the same day they starts making it and has to complete before midnight.

Villagers preparing Palli

And also seen that at ever end street there are huge container or Ghee(Butter). and all people are adding ghee in that . Many are purchasing kgs of ghee to fill the container. At this point i know that the Palli was a kind of huge lamp of ghee but Iam not getting what they will do with all this Ghee(Butter). Its in 1000 Kgs .
Villagers collecting ghee

Ghee collected for palli 

Ghee on other parts of the village

Also i have senn that for some guys these drums are too small so they started collecting in tanks of tractors. It was like see of Ghee ,one can smell this ghee from kilometers away from the village. I have seen people using spoon for ghee but here one can find buckets are used in pouring ghee from one container to other.

And there are many small vendors selling ghee. you can find them at any place in village any they are also sponsored confused . They are sponsored to sell in less price and the cost of ghee was 150 Rs per Kg . And many big merchents are purchasing ghee at high rate and selling at low rate through these vendors.
Boy selling ghee 

venders selling ghee

Now uncle told us that Palli will come to our society after passing from some other societies in village now we just have to wait. We waited whole night at 6 Am we seen palling coming . Uncle told us that it will stop only for 5 mins and we have to pour all the ghee from palli i told this is not possible because its a huge quantity . So he told no problem we will try and if some what is left we will pour down the palli .And started pouring ghee from buckets.

Now after all this was the condition of road you can find in upcoming pics . uncle told us that the people those who belongs from the lower cast has right to collect the ghee from street and they can use for there personal use. but what i can find was a long buddy road . But the single diff is of ghee instead of water.

Workers collecting ghee from road

Workers filling the drums again with the ghee from the street

My Personal View

To get more about this custom I discussed with many other elders in village and found that this was started with a wish and on completion of wish one has to offer a cup of ghee to goddess durga for the joyti i.e lamp. But as time changed people thought that more ghee means more blessing. and slowly slowly custom changes from a cup of ghee to tanks. Believes are very important as one can gain much positive energy from all  these kind of divine traditions . 

Please provide your view in comment box